30-Day Exchange & Return
If you aren’t totally satisfied with your purchase, or made a mistake during the order, please contact our customer service team within 30 days after receiving the products, we’ll provide free exchange (only shipping fees will apply) or a 50% refund. Each order is eligible for a one-time exchange/return. For exchanges or orders placed with store points, there is no second time return.
30-Day Warranty
You have 30 days from the date you receive the glasses to contact us for a return, covering any possible defect in materials and workmanship, we will remake new glasses for you at no additional charge or issue a full refund after the issue is confirmed.
Note: This warranty does not cover damage caused by accidents, negligence, or improper care.
Note: This warranty does not cover damage caused by accidents, negligence, or improper care.
365-Day Frame Guarantee
Our 365-Day Frame Guarantee means Customers are eligible for a one-time frame replacement within 365 days. A replacement frame will only be issued if there are clear defects in material and workmanship.
GlassesShop.com may ship a new frame at no additional charge.
B.After 30 DAYS to 365 DAYS
GlassesShop.com may ship a new frame charging customers 50% of the frame plus shipping fees.
GlassesShop.com may ship a new frame at no additional charge.
B.After 30 DAYS to 365 DAYS
GlassesShop.com may ship a new frame charging customers 50% of the frame plus shipping fees.
Free Shipping Over $69 Worldwide
Love eyewear and can't decide on just one pair? Spend over $69.00 on and get your glasses delivered for free.